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- Zaman, M., Wu, M., Ren, W., Jensen, M., Davis, R., & Hesselink, L. (2024). Spectral tweezers: Single sample spectroscopy using optoelectronic tweezers. Applied Physics Letters, 124(7), 071104.
- Ren, W., Zaman, M. ., Wu, M., Jensen, M., Davis, R., & Hesselink, L. (2023). Microparticle electrical conductivity measurement using optoelectronic tweezers. Journal of Applied Physics, 134(11).
- Zaman, M. ., Ren, W., Wu, M., Padhy, P., & Hesselink, L. (2023). Topological visualization of the plasmonic resonance of a nano C-aperture. Applied Physics Letters, 122(8), 081107.
- Zaman, M. A., & Hesselink, L. (2023). Plasmonic response of nano-C-apertures: Polarization dependent field enhancement and circuit model. Plasmonics, 18(1), 155-164.
- Zaman, M. A., Padhy, P., Wu, M., Ren, W., Jensen, M. A., Davis, R., & Hesselink, L. (2022). Controlled transport of individual microparticles using dielectrophoresis. Langmuir, 39(1), 101-110.
- Zaman, M. ., & Hesselink, L. (2022). Dynamically controllable plasmonic tweezers using C-shaped nano-engravings. Applied Physics Letters, 121(18), 181108.
- Zaman, M. ., Wu, M., Padhy, P., Jensen, M., Hesselink, L., & Davis, R. (2021). Modeling Brownian Microparticle Trajectories in Lab-on-a-Chip Devices with Time Varying Dielectrophoretic or Optical Forces. Micromachines, 12(10).
- Zaman, M. ., Padhy, P., Ren, W., Wu, M., & Hesselink, L. (2021). Microparticle transport along a planar electrode array using moving dielectrophoresis. Journal of Applied Physics, 130(3), 34902.
- Zaman, M. ., Neustock, L., & Hesselink, L. (2021). iLabs as an online laboratory platform: A case study at Stanford University during the COVID-19 Pandemic. 2021 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON).
- Padhy, P., Zaman, M., Jensen, M., & Hesselink, L. (2021). Dynamically controlled dielectrophoresis using resonant tuning. Electrophoresis, 42, 1079-1092.
- Automatic generation and easy deployment of digitized laboratories. (2020). IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 16(12), 7328-7337.
- Purschke, M., Elsamaloty, M., Wilde, J., Starr, N., Anderson, R., Farinelli, W., Sakamoto, F., Tung, M., Tam, J., Hesselink, L., & Baer, T. (2020). Construction and validation of UV-C decontamination cabinets for filtering facepiece respirators. Applied optics, 59(25), 7585-7595.
- Wilde, J., Baer, T., & Hesselink, L. (2020). Modeling UV-C irradiation chambers for mask decontamination using Zemax OpticStudio. Applied Optics, 59(25), 7596-7605.
- Zaman, M. A., Padhy, P., Cheng, Y.-T., Galambos, L., & Hesselink, L. (2020). Optoelectronic tweezers with a non-uniform background field. Applied Physics Letters, 117(17), 171102.
- Zaman, M. A., Padhy, P., & Hesselink, L. (2019). Solenoidal optical forces from a plasmonic Archimedean spiral. Physical Review A, 100(1), 13857.
- Neustock, L. T., Hansen, P., Russell, Z., & Hesselink, L. . (2019). Inverse Design Tool for Ion Optical Devices using the Adjoint Variable Method . Scientific Reports.
- Zaman, M. A., Padhy, P., & Hesselink, L. (2019). Near-field optical trapping in a non-conservative force field. Scientific reports, 9(1), 649.
- Scalo, C., Lele, S., & Hesselink, L. (2015). Linear and nonlinear modelling of a theoretical travelling-wave thermoacoustic heat engine. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 766, 368-404.
- Hansen, P., Zheng, Y., Ryan, J., & Hesselink, L. (2014). Nano-optical conveyor belt, part I: Theory. Nano letters, 14(6), 2965-2970.
- Zheng, Y., Ryan, J., Hansen, P., Cheng, Y.-T., Lu, T.-J., & Hesselink, L. (2014). Nano-optical conveyor belt, part II: demonstration of handoff between near-field optical traps. Nano letters, 14(6), 2971-2976.