On-chip Chemistry Using Micro-droplet Reactors
This research focuses on developing lab-on-a-chip systems for bio-chemical applications. This includes integration of microfluidic droplet generators and micro particle/droplet manipulation system.
Dielectrophoresis Assisted Enzymatic Reaction
The research focuses on using microelectrodes to dielectrophoretically trap beads/droplets to perform on-chip enzymatic reaction.
Trapping and Manipulation of Submicron Particles
This research focuses on trapping and controlled manipulation of sub-micron sized particles. The work included modeling, fabrication and testing of chips that employ optical forces and/or dielectrophoretic forces to trap and transport nanoparticles. The goal is to develop lab-on-a-chip systems for biomedical and chemical applications.
Plasmonic Trapping using C-engravings
C-shaped engravings (CSE) are used to focus light beyond the diffraction limit. The localized intensity enhancement can produce large optical gradient forces that can trap colloidal nanoparticles. Compared to conventional optical tweezers, such plasmonic tweezers can trap particles much smaller in size.
X-ray Imaging
We are researching to developed a compact, sensitive X-ray differential phase contrast (DPC) imaging system that improves field of view, increases fringe visibility and shortens imaging times.
High-Resolution Differential Phase-Contrast (DPC) X-ray Imaging for Multiphase Flow in three-dimensional Porous Media
This research focuses on a grating-based Differential Phase-Contrast (DPC) X-ray imaging microscopy system for multiphase fluid flow in three-dimensional porous media.
Holographic X-ray detection
We introduce a new method for x-ray detection, holographic x-ray detection, which uses photorefractive materials to create a high resolution and high efficiency detector. The x-ray image is recorded in the volume of the photorefractive material, bypassing the aspect ratio issue of typical x-ray detectors.
Design Optimization for Optical and Electrooptical Devices
This research develops algorithms to optimize the shape of physical devices.
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